The Unseen Potentials of Urban Informalities in Africa’s Transformation Journey

#Urbanization stands as a commanding force, sculpting the contours of Africa and carrying profound implications for #biodiversity and #climatechange actions, interweaving with the continent’s aspirations for #sustainabledevelopment and transformation.

Too often, #UrbanInformalities are exclusively viewed through a lens of challenges, overshadowing the myriad of contributions they bring to the table. These unseen potentials are pivotal elements, awaiting to be harnessed and amplified, to pave the way for a greener, more transformative urbanization in Africa.

Current Contributions to Nature-Positive Territorial Development:
Urban informalities in African cities are not merely problems to be solved. They are living, breathing ecosystems that are already contributing positively to urban and territorial development in several ways:

* Resource Efficiency and Sustainability: Demonstrating circular economy practices through recycling and reuse of materials, informal settlements exhibit an impressive level of resource efficiency and sustainability.

* Biodiversity Enhancement: Hosting community gardens and practicing urban agriculture, these informalities foster biodiversity and offer invaluable ecosystem services.

* Cultural and Traditional Preservation: By maintaining and integrating indigenous and local knowledge and cultures, they champion more ecologically harmonious living practices.

Potential Contributions to #SustainableDevelopment:

The adaptive, inclusive, and innovative characteristics of urban informalities can play a significant role in contributing to nature-positive urban and territorial development. The rise of green micro-enterprises and community-based management in informal economies are examples of the innovative ways informal settlements are contributing to sustainable economic development and empowerment.

Harnessing the Unseen #Potentials:
By acknowledging and leveraging the inherent nature-positive practices within urban informalities, we can integrate these potentials into broader strategies for sustainable development in Africa. It’s time to shift our perspective and see urban informalities not as challenges but as opportunities for innovation and transformation in our journey towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

Call to Action

Let’s engage in #dialogue and #collaboration to uncover and promote the unseen potentials of urban informalities. By doing so, we can build a greener, more resilient, and inclusive Africa, harmonizing our urban development with our rich biodiversity and cultural heritage.

My colleague Oliver Hillel and I are about to complete the #WhitePaper we have been commissioned to draft by Expertise France for the #EU Commission. Early findings will be shared during a side-event at #SBSTTA in Nairobi on 18 October.


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