Embracing a Sunrise in Urban and Territorial Governance with a character & skill named Humility

Embracing a Sunrise in #Urban and #Territorial #Governance with a character & skill named #Humility.

As we step into 2024, we at hashtag#GPS_Development envision and hope for a new dawn in urban and territorial governance, where cities become the engine, the dynamic force driving the sustainable transformation of their regions and nations, especially in hashtag#Africa.

We emphasize the crucial character/skill needed among decision-makers and their experts: the hashtag#humility to collaboratively assess, design, and implement strategies and programs alongside the very people they serve.
In many ways, developing humility as a hashtag#leadership character can involve learning certain skills, such as active listening, empathy, self-awareness, and the ability to appreciate others’ contributions.
Remember, “Everything that is done for you, without you, is done against you”. (Gandhi / Mandela)

Let’s also pledge to reshape our collective narratives about development and modernity in hashtag#Africa. We must harness two key yet counterintuitive resources for planning: the African perspective on sustainability (enriching our sustainability efforts with the rich tapestry of African cosmogony.), and the vibrant energy of our youthful population and women.

Together, let’s build a future that honors our diverse heritages and empowers the next generation.
Here’s to a transformative 2024!

hashtag#TerritorialGovernance hashtag#SustainableDevelopment hashtag#AfricanCosmogony hashtag#YouthEmpowerment

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